when anime goes to far you can use this phrase to emphasize that this anime should not exist and would not exist had more than 2 nuked been dropped on japan at the end of ww2
This anime is trash, two nukes weren't enough.
by Xx_AnimE_DestroyeR_xX July 24, 2017
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When americans' stupidity goes too far you can use this phrase to emphasize that a trend or topic created by americans should not exist and would not exist had more than 2 planes had been crashed on united states at the terrorist attack on 9/11
This meme is cancer, two planes weren't enough.
by Xx_AmericaN_DestroyeR_xX September 12, 2017
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A rather large mother, who has a nice face, but she has spent too much time filling it
"mate, jame's mom would be a Yummy Mummy if she weren't 2 tonney!"

"Yer give it 10 pints"
by Pizzels89 June 20, 2008
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I would show more abscense of emotion, if i werent so tired
"I would be more apathetic if I weren't so lethargic"

*waits 2 days*

"OHHhhhhh i get it, thats kinda funny...
Yeah can i get a copy of Juggs?"
by slippin182 March 22, 2007
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From an episode of Family Guy where Peter tries to "educate" himself on proper edicate and ends up picking up a New Yorker. Being Peter, he turns to the comic section of the New Yorker and find "I would be more apathetic if I weren't so lethargic." And waits a few days trying to understand the meaning of it.
>"I would like a copy of the New Yorker Please"
>"I would be more apathetic if I weren't so lethargic? What?"
>"Ohhh I get it, can I get a jugs?"
>> "Sure thing"
by MwC June 7, 2004
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