In battlefield, it is the phrase used when a player stabs an opponent with a knife, and steals his dogtags, rendering the soldier dead and tagless. It is the utmost humiliation that one can render upon another player. The phrase should only be used when one of the many painful knife animations are played, and the dogtags of the opponent are taken. It should not be used on knife slice kills. Oftentimes, after this phrase is used, a teabagging proceeds it.

Legend has it that the phrase was coined by BilboTBagginU on the popular "violent industries" servers.
*Knifer knifes opponent*


Knifer: oh yea, EAT HOT KNIFE!

*Knifer proceeds to teabag opponent*
by teabag_prophet March 28, 2013
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"Eat lead", or "Eat hot lead" is an annoying silly catchphrase that Hollywood turned it's back on. It occasionally pops up in scrolling shooter videogames and saturday morning cartoons. The phrase is said while operating a firearm in the hope to wound or kill an enemy.

It is said in a pathetic attempt to force the enemy to consume the bullet. Idiot.

Whoever says this would have more chance hitting the target if shouting "the power of christ compells you" at the top of their lungs.
Oh you want some? Oh you want some too? /sarcasm

Well eat hot lead!
by Gumba Gumba April 6, 2004
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basically tsukishima is really hot and i kinda have a thing for hands so if im in a mood ill eat his hands
Me: damn look at tsukishimas hands they look like fries ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹
Yamaguchi: thats why my fav food is fries ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ป
Me & Yamaguchi: tsukishima is hot i eat his hands
by TSUKKIYAMA May 20, 2021
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the actions of a young lady performing rather vigorous oral sex on a man.
you should have seen her she went down on me like a dog eating hot sausages.
by pishmeister69 April 8, 2006
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