A guydyke is a man who, whether intentionally or unintentionally, attracted to lesbian women. A guydyke often pursues relationships with women only to find out that those women are not attracted to his sex. Some guydykes feel like they live a cursed existence of being attracted to a type of woman they can't have.
Brad: Dude I made a move on Jessica but she told me she's a lesbian.
Al: Sucks to be you man.
Brad: That's the fifth lesbian I've been attracted too, man!
Al: Looks like you really are a guydyke
by SimpingFool March 24, 2020
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The name given to a guy that likes/wants to have relationships with lesbians
Bob-"Hey, look at that girl over there"
Bill-"oh her, she's a lesbian"
Bob-"OMFG no way, score!"
Bill-"You're such a guydyke!"
by Toootoootootoo December 1, 2009
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It originally meant a cishet man who fetishized lesbian relationships/wanted to be in one but it was to good to waste on them so the butches took it
random person: “are you a transgender man?”
butch lesbian: “i’m a guydyke”
by lesbian_mess August 20, 2022
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