Google+ is a social networking and identity service that is owned and operated by Google, and also fucked Youtube's comment system in the ass.
John: Hey dude, did you check out the new Youtube?
Richard: Yeah, Google+ and Youtube mixed together, it sucks balls, man.
by The Silly Gentleman April 9, 2014
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google is an app that is used by millions of people. it tends to give you answers your looking for, and it gives you trash you didn't want. google is good and bad. do (not) use.
hey, google is acting up again. its giving me the answer of "55" when i aksed to do 5x10-

thats kinda confusing..
by obsessd with your parents. September 24, 2021
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v. To look for information about something using Google.
I know he lives in MI because that's where the radio station on his shirt is from. (I did a little Googling.)
by The Grammar Nazi January 4, 2002
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code word for saying boobs around your teacher
that teacher has no googles
by lilbabiey November 30, 2018
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The search engine used by George W. Bush and/or any other government official.
by Jorgey October 27, 2006
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Google+ is a multi posting/social media site that is over taking by small inbred millennials. It is considered the dark edges of the internet after reddit and the source of all new and old dramatic events. Also recognized by the 2012-14 eras as the place where memes come to die. Aside from its horrible trolls and segregation of politics and oppressed ideologies, it has a great hold on the more mature audience that actually hold relevant positions in it, which was originally based on since cancerous groups like velvixia , UTTP , and TPNG spread the cancerous warfare;

Google+ is unique in its own ways with no promotion ads or forced advertising posts in its system, unlike facebook and twitter, its basically a landfill of mixed fandoms, anarchists, trolls, anti trolls and failed abortions.

All users that have a G+ profile are mostly anonymous from the outside world, or something called life, which 78% dont have irl friends using it. Which is, another great feature about it. Note: that this is cancerous type of data describing this new disease created on social media. Use wikipedia for specific shit. In other words, why come to this site in the first place? Lmao.
"Oh shit nigga, you have google+ too?"
"Yeah my name is FoxyTheKawaiiyaoifan:3"


"Tf is Google+? Is it like Tumblr2.0?"
by Nomadite January 30, 2017
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