1. A person who likes to waste other people's time by spending hours talking about things that only interest themself.

2. A person that thinks listening to other people's opinions might give them a rash.

3. A person who loves sweater-vests.
That glerk won't stop squawking about this random BS, but his sweatervest is sure nice.
by Florky Dorf February 27, 2007
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To lick ones nipple while on fire.
"I glerked it too hard last night and now i have 3rd degree burns".
by assfarter9000 January 2, 2016
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Glerk can be used as a sound effect in unenthusiastic/boring situations.

Glerk can also be used as a sound effect for something/someone goopy or weird.
I was walking up the stairs and I was sooooooo tired and the stairs were sooooooo long. Glerk!
by glerk December 28, 2018
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a film-geek clerk in a video store
I rented Transformers a few days ago. “It’s awesome,” said the glerk at the video store. “When Optimus Prime showed up, I like weeped.” -- James Lileks, 13-11-2007
by Alcofribas Nasier November 14, 2007
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A person that makes me feels like listening to a song for the first time and knowing it would be my favorite song.
You’re my Glerk
by imyourhamster November 22, 2021
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A person that makes you feel like listening to a song for the first time and knowing it would be my favorite.
You are my Glerk.
by imyourhamster November 23, 2021
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