Okay. Let me clear up some confusion. There is NOTHING wrong with being Gay and there is nothing wrong with Gay Marrige. If two gays wanna marry, who fucking cares? Don't tell me that "It violates the saintity of marrige". Does marriage always seem like a gift from god? What about Las Vegas? You can get married there for like $20!! There is no "choice" in being gay and people don't become gay because they were brought up the wrong way. Also, gays can't just "switch back to being straight". If they can then why can't striaghts just switch to being gay. I bet $500 no of these Bush-Worshipping Motherfuckers have never even MET a gay person!!!!
Theses guys fucking piss me off! And no, I'm not gay, but I have a few gay friends and don't see why everyone hates them so much.
by FUCK BUSH!! May 13, 2005
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The single all important issue of the 2004 election. So important that when it was dangled in front of their noses, the country forgot all about the other issues.
Well, it's 2008 and the country's bankrupt, 90% of the manufacturing jobs have gone to mexico, there's a massive crisis in the healthcare industry, environmental regulations are set back 100 years, 5000 soldiers have died in the Iraqi civil war, and gas is up to 4.99/gallon.

But at least queers can't get married. I was worried about that. Thank god George W. Bush is a man of faith.
by spot November 13, 2004
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Something that should be legal because as long as it doesn't intefer with your life (which it wouldn't) you shouldn't be concerned with it. God loves all his children and that is a fact, but what is not a fact is that NO WHERE in the bible does it SAY "Gay marriage is wrong". Get over yourself uber-conservatives. Let people live their lives, and though I am in fact straight I think gays should be able to be happy.
I'm a priest and totally against the marriage between two men and two women, yet I molest little boys like it's my job!
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Two people of the same sex promising fidelity and love to each other.

In response to some of the other arugments: If people who can't procreate naturally (such as a gay couple) shouldn't get married, than neither should straight couples who are for some reason infertile. There are plenty of heterosexual marriages that don't produce offspring; this is accepted, and so should be gay marriage.

In the end, it is only between the two people who love each other.
Gay marriage is an issue that needs to be thought about in today's society.
by Athene Airheart March 20, 2004
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Something that should be legal. It is unconstitutional to have it illegal for your religious reasons. It is okay to not like it because of religion, so you don't have to approve of it, but if you say they can't get married because your religion says that, your forcing your religion on them and our government. Seperation of church and state
by Alex June 18, 2006
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A right that should be given to gay couples.
Straight couples have the right to marry, there's no reason why gay couples shouldn't.
by Mike the Ekim April 9, 2005
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Gay marriage is the marital union of two human beings of the same sex.

It is looked down upon by many Republicans and Christians because they believe it is "unnatural" and that the homosexuals could become straight if they wanted to. That is a lie because homosexuality is just as natural as heterosexuality, and they are born being gay and they cannot control it.

Homosexuals are people, too. Saying no to gay marriage is the same thing as saying no to interracial marriage. It is basically racism, even though homosexuals are not a race. It is discrimination.
Love is love, people. Gay marriage should be legal everywhere.
by Kathleen the superhero June 15, 2006
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