A Russian Spetsnaz member in Rainbow Six Siege who deploys a cluster charge containing 5 mini Grenades, which decimate everything in the room that they are launched in. Do not use him in hostage, as he will most likely kill the hostage.
Damn it, Fuze killed the hostage again!!
by The gronkinator 1 October 31, 2017
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That drink that you buy in a vending machine or at the store. Many different flavors, but the best is Banana Colada. Don't try any of the other ones. They are nasty and they fail at life. You have been warned.
Dan: Hey! Do you have $1?
Bob: No, why?
Dan: Because I wanted to buy me one of those Fuze drinks!
Bob: Don't get anything besides the Banana Colada. Every other flavor fails at life.
by *~*aShLeY*~* March 13, 2008
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He's done it again.
Me:he really did it
Friend:who did what?
Me:Fuze,he killed her.
by Tachanka is only god December 11, 2019
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Just another word out there that starts with "Fu"
1.Go fuze yourself you motherfuzer

2.Fuze the fuzing fuzers
by Aleksey July 19, 2005
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drunk and high. comes from "confused." synonymous with cross-faded.
Dude, I got so fuzed last night.
by meen greens November 24, 2009
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