synonym for 'wasting time' or 'slacking off'
guy #1: "Where's little Ruttiger?"

guy #2: "Probably fucking donuts at home again...."
by Professor Poo October 31, 2008
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Is an insult that surpassed all insults and is another word for saying Fuck you you son of a bitch
Fucking donut
-Gordon Ramsey
by OMAR NUMBER 1 -SOMEone said September 30, 2019
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A term often used by Gordon Ramsey when talking to the idiots on Hell's Kitchen. Extremely handy when talking to a group of friends and you just want to make them laugh (If you're a tryhard).
Bob: Did you guys know that Roblox is actually the best game ever?
Lila: I swear, you stupid fucking donut...get out.
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1. When you get bored of masturbating; to use a donut to get oneself off.
2. A sign often placed outside Farms to ward off those into bestiality.
3. A sexual position: while with a fat bitch, scrunch up her gut flab in both your hands so it looks like a donut, then start fucking it.
Definition 1:
All out of cookies, carrots, and cucumbers. Its time for a Donut Fuck
Definition 2:
'Prized Animal. Donut Fuck'.
Definition 3:
Goddam it woman! Roll over, I'll Donut Fuck you.
by Blackstump November 12, 2003
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A phrase used to make someone left you the hell alone.
Guy 1: Hey wats up?
by IAMAGOOOON February 28, 2010
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A general term used to describe any situation in which one encounters a narrow, well fortified entrance to a base or camped area.
There's a sniper at the end of that donut fuck (a.k.a. hallway).
by Dave November 14, 2003
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A point of bottleneck in Starcraft. A bridge or other narrow passageway.
by Carl November 9, 2003
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