verb: the act of masturbating out of anger or frustration, taking your anger out on your dick, and 'blowing off some steam' by jerkin your terkin
Gabe frusturbated with great furver after his idea was shot down.

Zac was so mad after being rejected by ever girlon earth that he went home to frusterbate.

Bob just loves frusturbation when hes angry.
by kegis the bestever November 2, 2011
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The verbal mating dance people do when one of them refuses to put out for a while at the start of a relationship.
My sister and her bf engage in repeated acts of frusturbation as they wend their way towards eventual release.
by zoodonkey December 30, 2014
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When a person is frustrated because of events of the day, he/she frusturbates to relieve themselves.
My friend Devin frusturbates because he has no girlfriend.
by The Shiz December 12, 2003
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Masturbating when you are frustrated as hell, or an angry masturbation period. Basically, a really angry masturbation. Can be used by a girl or a boy.
Last week my girlfriend and I got in a fight and I was so angry, that I frusturbated to her best friend's prom picture.
by wingringhouse September 20, 2009
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To masturbate while frustrated. Typically, the frustration results in a tight, ninja-like grip.
I just lost three times at foos ball! I'm going to go home and frusturbate.
by enochroot January 18, 2008
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the act of masturbating in the abcence of exersex
my ho dont need no excersex, iv been reduced fo frusturbating man!
by jameshe September 25, 2006
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to engage in masturbation for the purpose of lessening the feelings of frustration surrounding some other event or situation.
Today was so stressful that I just want to get home, frusturbate and fall asleep; afterall, tomorrow is another day!
by Life-in-Hand June 15, 2010
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