A portmanteau of "flute" and "trumpet." Can be used to simultaneously refer to both the flute and trumpet sections of a band.
Trumpet player: "What's the best section of the Band?"
Bassoon player: "Clearly it's the flumpet section!"
by ThisMustBeAnna12 July 19, 2010
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Used to simultaneously refer to both the flute and trumpet sections of a band. Those within the flumpet section tend to think they're the best, even if they are not. They are brainwashed into thinking that "FLUMPETS R PWN" when, in fact, the Tubonerphone section is the best. 'Nuff said.
Trumpet player: "The flumpet section is obviously the best."

Trombone player: "And by obviously, you mean most definitely not. Sorry to break it to you, but Tubonerphones are the best."
by He's a SQUIRREL July 26, 2010
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The fuppet was awfully flumpetty today, she couldnt get up off her lazy ass to change the television channel so she just flummptied around like a total fuppet.
by Groovy October 21, 2003
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