The Flippening is the move from Bitcoin Core to Bitcoin Cash, for various reasons.
Sandy sold all her Bitcoin for Bitcoin Cash, the flippening has begun.
by cvke December 13, 2017
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It is a variation of freaking or fucken. Used commonly in the movie Napoleon Dynamite. This is a very cool word...... learn it........ use it........ love it!
Why are you such flippen idiot?

Quit being a flippen weirdo!
by Ameson March 26, 2005
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When someone leaves in their false teeth(also known as flippers) and gives someone head
Joe busts a load in 28 seconds because April gave him a flippen gummer because she was to lazy to take out her flippers.
by Moemoelyn December 9, 2016
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the meanning comes from westville highschool students meaning totally crazy.
Tino" That party was flippen wickets last night i cant wait till the next one
by Dewey finn =]]] April 16, 2010
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White Dutch Volendammer breads, also called cadettes.

ik eh trek in volledammer warreme flippen.
(I want some warreme flippen)
by paul de boer May 1, 2008
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a flippin readneck is a sick ass republican who is rasist and arrogent like most repulicans are
look at bush. what a flippin redneck
by xXxMissyxXx August 26, 2005
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Flippening represents a paradigm shift in life. A period of life where all things flip and change over. Friends, topics that are discussed, interests. A new beginning. This term was coined by Marko Pavlov.
This past year was a flippening in my life.
by JuniorUSMC December 21, 2022
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