A DC Comics superhero with the ability to run at impossible speeds from sound to light. There have been lots guys to wear the costume in the past(Jay Garrick-Barry Allen)But the coolest one so far is Wally West who started off as the original Flash's sidekick. One thing about the Flash is that he makes a lot of F'ing enemies, so he famous for his Rogues Gallery.
by Tolin November 10, 2005
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To lose control and attack someone
Man,ease up homie, I will flash on yo ass!
by Mark August 11, 2004
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adj; showey. ostentatious.
Mo fo think he flash as a rat with a gold tooth.
by herbie August 25, 2004
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Fastest man alive. Runs the speed of light(that's 186000 miles per second holmes)also the most kick aznass superhero ever to live, he is so fricken awesome that he could f your mom fifty times and then run around the world in less than a second.
Stoner: Dude! Why is your mom lying on the floor naked in a pool of her own blood?

Dude: I dunno, must have been the flash.
by deflatemouse March 13, 2004
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Pre-drawn designs for tattoos.
I was looking for flash of a shark.
by octopod February 18, 2004
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Flash is a program developed by Macromedia. It is widely used for internet development. It can be intergrated with most other Mecromedia products, such as d
reamweaver or Fireworks.
This program was developed in Flash
by Mince July 17, 2004
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To immediately, uncontrollably projectile vomit when exposed to a scenario so revolting that one's innards rush for the proverbial Fire Exit, i.e one's mouth.
When he saw the Hamburger Lady: no arms, no legs, remaining torso and head with 4th degree burns, though a trained trauma physician, he flashed on the floor, sending vomit bouncing back up to the bed on which her moaning body lay.
by LiquidLiquid June 6, 2015
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