Man, i just smoked an ounce, drank a fifth, and ate an eigth of shrooms, i am FLARBED!
by J.C. February 7, 2003
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A person that passes gas in while sitting in the bathtub, and then bites the bubbles.
That dudes just a flarb
by MikeScag November 6, 2007
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Used in place of Fuck. Can also be used for other profanities.
"I just flarbed this hot chick at the motel!"

"What the flarb!?"

"The flarbing garbage man's flarbing late again!"
by Alex Ivey March 9, 2004
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when someone is thin and they have like no muscle and it looks like a ""pack"" with their shirt on but its just flarb rolled over eachother
Alex: wow nice flarb pack nik\
NIK: ino rite its buetiful
by prawl July 4, 2011
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An amicable end to an argument where you have a difference of opinion, recognize you disagree with who you are debating with, but do not have enough of an investment to continue to belabor the point.
"I am right."

"You are wrong."

"I AM right."


by _shmunderscore November 5, 2018
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