Fillabuster-To shoot a cop. 'Filla' is another way of saying 'fill a', and in this context, it can be assumed the speaker means fill with bullets. 'Buster' refers to how cops call arresting someone busting them.
"One of the cops hit Buzzy when they nabbed him, and he wasn't resisting or nothing. So we're gonna go fillabuster."
by NTYT January 18, 2006
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Fillabuster is when someone in congress talks for hours to keep a bill from passing fillabusting a nut is when you talk for hours to your girlfriend to get her to fuck you to shut your ass up
Oh, Stacy wouldnt have sex with me so I ended up fillabusting a nut with her.
by Sulak1993 March 12, 2011
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A depressed sex partner who afflicts their partners with the same level of depression.

The act of having sex with someone who is depressed. The depression then infects you like a disease.
You went and fucked a Fillabuster last night, man.

I had a Fillabuster last night, and it is hitting me hard.
by LegacyWriter63 April 13, 2020
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