High class pro gamer. He is smart and intelligent with good support he can carry his team to victory.

He is a one-woman-man and just like pro-gaming, he leads and shelter his family.
by ZeroXgen December 29, 2017
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The term “fandy” depicts a person whom possesses a natural talent for being an absolute spanner.

The stupid situations a fandy finds themselves in can easily be avoided if the fandy was just not a fandy.
“Did he just throw up in the sink and pass out in his bed? What a fandy

“Whos that hairy chested guy in nothing but purple shorts over there?! Must be a fandy”

“Did the girl he bring just throw up on his beard? She must have had a taste of fandys candy”

“Hey look at that fandy over there! He face planted off his beryl bike, what a fandy!”
by yasminathehamster March 22, 2023
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Hella cutesy girl who has a darling smile
oh shit, you have a fandy
by nigggggaycon June 25, 2009
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To slack off frequently, and ultimately prefer staring blankly at inanimate objects to actual work.
"I think i'll pull a fandi today"
by mrfandiwagon July 24, 2003
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A fan of Andy Gibson, a TV Journalist from Aberdeen, Scotland.
I've read Andy Gibson's latest article, I'm such a Fandy.
by Tosh Iba June 26, 2018
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1. a dirty slug
2. a dirty snail
Kill that fandi, I dont want it in the backyard.
by Britney911 May 31, 2005
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To be a complete asshole; Not caring about anyone but yourself; Fat, Gross, Hairy.
"I can't believe he did that. Fuckin' Fandy."
by guy2008 May 13, 2008
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