When you are bored, getting on Facebook and looking through random peoples Facebook pages, going through their pictures and reading all their statuses.
Friend one: OMG he is soo cute! Plus he has a puppy!

Friend two: Umm how do you know that? You don't even know him...

Friend one: I was Facebook Stalking him last night
by UhHuh12 January 6, 2011
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When you look at the profile of someone who you are friends with on facebook.
Hey, did you see Janeta's Facebook status? Yeah, I was Facebook Stalking her last night.

Whose pictures are those on your news feed? Oh, they are Marlins, stop Facebook stalking him.
by Janetta simmons June 5, 2011
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When someone forces stalking upon you by constantly updating their Facebook status. These are usually people who you generally could not give a shit about.
Oh my god! - Bro 1
What's up man? - Bro 2
I don't give a fuck about Jane Shmoe and her high school bullshit. - Bro 1
Looks like you're gettin' Reverse Facebook Stalked bro; sucks. - Bro 2
by Seef8308 August 16, 2010
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when a facebook friend posts frequently enough that they come up your news feed, but since they come up on your news feed facebook thinks you want to see everything they post, therefore causing a spamming of said friends posts and resulting in involuntary facebook stalking.
person1: Man all I see is this person's post!
person2: Dude, why are you facebook stalking?
person1: It's involuntary facebook stalking, they just post so much!
by movement37 September 11, 2011
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A game on facebook where one person selects 2 victims. He then starts stalking them. Examples would be: Commenting and liking on all statuses, Commenting on pictures, sending texts and messages having to due with their latest status. The game is ended when one person mentions them being "stalked" to the person directly.
Im going to play the Facebook Stalking Game right now
by myfdsfjkdfsd January 2, 2011
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Six Sigma Facebook Stalking simply means a measure of Facebook stalking quality that strives for near perfection. A Six Sigma Facebook Stalker is one who will find 99.99966% of the individuals they seek on Facebook (3.4 failures per million individuals sought) and are statistically expected to be able to find any existing Facebook account.
A: Have you found her fb account yet?
B: No luck. I don’t think she has one.
A: Ask Charlie to find her. He can find anyone. Six Sigma Facebook Stalking is what he does.
by Insert_Name June 4, 2013
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When you're currently stalking one person's photos, and another person in their photos catches your attention. You then proceed to stalk this person.
Dude, I was stalkin' Katie last night, but then I saw this picture Leila, and reverse facebook stalked her.
by Dr Jiggah January 19, 2011
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