A really cool, Asian kid that plays the online platform Roblox.
"I just met Experanted!"

"No way, that guy is so cool!"
by Experanted August 22, 2023
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Telling someone it's a good thing to expire
I was being experational when I told that bitch she was done!
by Donald Trump shit March 1, 2017
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Someone who thinks they are good at something, but clearly are not.
by huhohwhatok April 12, 2010
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The term combines experience and the faculty of Intuition. It is the process whereby a person suddenly understands a new bit of knowledge that one did not realize previously.
He suddenly looked at me and exclaimed... 'I KNOW what you mean"! But he found he could not explain what he now Knew? And I realized that it was exper-tuit that allowed him to awaken to this knowledge
by esodoc May 18, 2019
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A Asian Roblox player that's really funny.
"Yo I just met Experanted!"

"No way, that one little Asian boy?"
by Experanted August 22, 2023
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