A bunch of tool bags, whom are fond of bands like "fall out boy" and "punk rock" bands that enjoy complaining about their in-ability to get girldfriends and their obvious problem of being a bitch. They also wear tight clothes that make most straight people want to slap them, for being stupid and thinking that they could fit into clothes that wouldnt even fit a 4 year old.
not only do these "boys" committ homocide fashion but they also are convinced that they can play music. not all, but most are in some kind of lame band, that go through band members like condoms. These kids are the worst singers and even though they are convinced they are rebeling, they are just conforming to the countries newest fad, of being a complaining tampon. the world would truely be a better place, if they "accidentally" were all run over by a dump truck.
they also are really un-athletic and quit all their sports or never even played sports in the first place, because they are only conforming to societys need for athlets.
it is appearent to me that these kids have been rejected once in their life and cannot deal with the fact that not everyone likes them, so they turn to the "dark side" of society and become a self hating bitch.
josh: you know that joe kid?

me: yeah the one who stays at home and practices playing his guitar all day because he has no friends and is socially challenged? you mean the one who ripped his shirt the other day because he bend over, and the same one who shops for girls clothing and enjoys staring at the mirror more then life? and the same one who has ADD and draws pictures of death on his folders in school because hes failing everyclass? the same kid who quit every sport he used to play because the pants werent tight enough for him?

josh: yeah thats him, the emo boy!
by conor March 19, 2006
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A fag, who sits in the dark and cries about sandwiches.
Danny Allott sat in the dark and cried because is sandwich was lost.
by Jk February 25, 2005
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Skinny, efeminate girly-boys who dress in black a lot. If you're lucky, one of them may even have a studded dog-collar round his neck. They look like piss-weak goths; aren't even strong enough to get THAT right. Laughable attempt at "individuality" by dressing and acting towards a pre-existing code-- at least goths listen to cool music!
John: "Dude, I accidently knocked that Emo bitch over and he was so weak he apologized to me!"
Jake: "Mother.... Let's smash the bitch!"
Everyone else in the room: "YEAH!!!!"
by benjiboy January 6, 2005
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The emo boy is a pathetic, unoriginal attention seeker who hopes to get somewhere in love and life by jumping on the bandwagon of the lattest faddy scene. Often like bands such as My Chemical Romance and Fallout Boy who can't play / sing / write a good song.

Could possibly be gay and just hasn't come out of the closet.
Emo boy: My life is shit *cries* even though it isn't really. *Cries* Its still shit!!! *cries* Give me attention!
by SonicYouth November 12, 2005
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Kids and teenagers, who wear girls pants several sizes too small, with hair so straight and combed that they must not have a life. They usually travel in groups, and are easily identified because they cluster in "pecks" like jellyfish. Like jellyfish, they have no brains and no guts. They listen to music and cry. They also do not have feelings and are incapable of dying. This is due to the amount they cut themselves. The only way to kill one is to take off the head, with a bat or cudgel, because they are immune to blades. Fire doesn't work, but water will destroy their "hair", which coupled with their pants, is the source of their minions, the dim "emo girls" who follow them, like a tail follows a dog. This means that the emo kids can be put down like a dog, out of a love of our community. They are the opposite of Chuck Norris in every way, except for their almost magical ability to attract women.
I walked into the music store, but there was this emo boy in my way, so I kicked him in the face and left the store.
Dude, I grabbed this person's ass because I thought they were some hot chick I knew, but then I realized I was holding the anus of a emo boy.
I had this emo boy's head in my rifle's crosshairs, but he deflected the bullets with a CD of a sucky band.
by Ninjaontheloose March 8, 2006
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new wave bitches that are a little too late. something like 25 years or so.
by tarpera1@yahoo.com.br April 1, 2007
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Hot hair typically jet black and shaggy!
listens to emo music like modest mouse & the killers for example...emo boys aren't afraid to let their emotions go...and tend to have a lot of girl friends
a fine example of an emo boy is seth cohen off the o.c

emo boys are hot and have re-invented the meaning of hot hair!!!
by Lizy's_hot June 10, 2005
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