A vaccuum, Consummer of child actors and actresses that may or may not have had a future; Creater of shows that are less and less interesting.
Did you like that new Disney Channel show yesterday?

by Amigroism March 5, 2010
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An evil multibillion dollar corporation that used to be awesome but sold its soul to the devil and now makes terrible tv shows and movies. Only watched by fags and 12 year old girls, they make movies that suck so bad, and are always about a 16 year old whore who wants to be prom queen or high school musicals. I pray for the destruction of this channel, its killing mankind.
Walt Disney would be so embarrased to see the Disney Channel.
by Mr. Zimpy December 20, 2009
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Just another cable channel that went from good to lowest common denominator.
If the cable company keeps putting on crap like the Disney Channel they will have to start paying me to subscribe.
by benth July 11, 2008
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a factory that takes regular children and turns them into everything you dont want your child to be.

some of their creations

miley cyrus
jonas brothes
britney spears
zac effron
vannesa hutchens
disney channel = drug addicts, pole dancers, whores, sex addicts, rapists, child molestors, hookers, dick suckers, pimps, sluts, hoe bags
by heyy82 March 14, 2010
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A tv channel that is supposed to be about kids "just like us". Ok.....so they want us to be secret pop stars, who sing songs about how its ok to make mistakes. sure. thats a load of crap. They also want us to have names that rhyme with states. i.e. Hannah Montana (also can be mis-spelled "bitch", it's a common mistake)
Girl #1: Hey! I'm gonna change my name to Fucky Kuntucky!
Girl #2: WTF?! Why?
Girl #1: 'Cause Hannah Montana on disney channel did it!
Girl #2: You are a turd.
Girl #1 (singing badly): Everybody makes mistakes! Everybody has those day! You know, what I'm talkin bout, everybody gets that way! YEEEEEHHHHAAAWWWW!!!!!
by Professersnuggles January 5, 2010
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Disney Channel is a name for the worst possible excuse for a channel. This so called "channel" displays fake untalented actors that are older than the target audience but act just as immature. Many shows "the suite life" are no more than puns. Disney Channel features many musicians that can't sing and somehow gained attention from idiots watching the child-propaganda channel. Back in the past, the channel used to be better with actual cartoons and clever shows, but has gone downhill not unlike Nick and Cartoon Network, but unlike those two, this has been proven to be unwatchable and unfunny. It is surprising how a company that has made classics such as Toy Story is reduced to this garbage. Even worse is the fact that Disney owns Marvel. Hopefully they won't ruin that.
A intelligent person is watching a good TV show on a network (ex. Discovery, mythbusters) and his/her little sister or cousin shows up and their parent tells them to let her watch the TV. The sister/cousin starts switching through the channels and ends up on Disney Channel. Then the intelligent person does the right thing by throwing an axe at the TV screen and smashing the cable box to pieces.
by Jag140 July 19, 2011
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Possibly the worst thing ever to happen to humanity. The whole channel is devoted to preppy, chipper teens who compel you to rake out your hair and/or throw yourself over a cliff. The majority of these young 'stars' end up as drug addicts e.g. Lindsay Lohan. She started off as a super cute bubblegum blowing tween - look where she is now.
The programs themselves are equally, if not more, annoying. They may be set in different places, but the plot and characters are all the same. They basically consist of a teenage girl, who is supposed to go to a 'normal' high school (it's so normal that all the teens in this school are perfect little angles who respect one another and never swear) who do nothing but hang around their lockers all day shouting "Totally Awesome!" in screeching voices, and at the end they learn a lesson about how important friends are. This is not only patronizing but builds up false hope for eleven-year-old girls, who believe that when they go to high school it will all be a song and dance and the greatest trouble they will have is forgetting homework. These girls will become pregnant because they have not been forewarned.
Girl 1: "Omigod, I'm pregnant!"
Girl 2: "I told you that it wasn't like the disney channel in real life. You expected it to be like a sunny musical number, but because nobody told you high school isn't like that, you don't know any better."
by PimpMyYak May 10, 2009
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