Check her out. Yeah, she looks like a real freaky deak!
by Jam Akin October 12, 2011
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When you are so tired you can't string a sentence together in the most inappropriate situation.
I am so Deaks right now
by ExerciseBarbie June 16, 2014
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Deakin is a immortal God that rules over all my, he is a religion

He is the most powerful being in the universe.
Deaks mate is a bloody legend and will use 1% of his power to destroy you.
by JacobBieber February 14, 2019
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A lower back disorder, that makes you walk like your ass is attached to your shoulder.
Hey, did you see Tony, he's got a serious case of "deak back."
by dcoin February 27, 2009
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A state of mind where the brain can no longer process the quantity of alcohol imbibed, so it to forces the body to simultaneously shit and vomit in a pitiful attempt to get rid of said alcohol; hopefully at this point the subject has already found the toilet and is resting beside it. In extreme cases can lead to getting gaboed
Arf: Yo why does your bed smell so bad?

Thomas: Bro I don't know what you're talking about, i blacked out after my first game of pong. I don't even know how i got home.

Arf: OH SHIT theres a trail of vomit and shit from the bathroom to your bed

Thomas: fuck i think i deaked myself... again
by theders October 27, 2011
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deakes are extremly vicious lovers! generaly deakes are great natural fmx riders, and have insane flexability regaurdless of being chubby fuckersf. deakes ARE ALWAYS better at rideing dirt bikes than jons, or jonathans and like to hump legs for margaritas.

a deakes drink of choice should be a cold P.B.R. or a icey cold coors light fallowd by a jagermiester night cap. a deakes favorite foods are generaly anything with macaroni.

deakes tend to get along with toms and franks, but tea bag j.j.'s. {and jons}, also deakes seem to be indyingly and hatefully attracted to bitches with a gut, big tits, and brown eyes. this is the usual curse of a deake.

a deake dosent steal unless itss your girlfriend, then he might barrow her.

deakes generaly talk alot of shit, and can easily get on a persons bad side, they also tend to fight the unwanted fight. but at the end of the day end up smokeing FAT BOWLS with their kin.

deakes have been known to like bright colors, neon pinks, greens ect.......... some have been known to {when in their natural habitat} powder coat their dirt bikes pink. this also attract alot of short fat big tity'd brown hair bitches. but expands to the more socialy exceptable women as well.

deake is essentualy the pinical of perfection.

no jon,or j.j.'s could even COMPARE!

P2:"yeah i deaked that shit hard brother! at least i didnt jon it!"

p1:"where is that cross eyed douche of a jon anny way?"

p2:" he couldent handle bein a deake so he sold his bike and jon is in gay porn now"
by whikid October 13, 2010
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A pathetic excuse for a sideshow employee let alone a man, clearly wanted to smash Susan, and was jealous of her Ryan Renolds look alike.
Friend: Yo bro you know that guy that was making an ass of himself?
You: Yeah that guy is a total Deak.
by TarTarSauceDrip May 31, 2019
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