Any of the non-playable characters on the player's team or side in a first or third person shooter video game. Their sole purpose is to take point and thin the ranks of the enemy prior to the player's advance into potentially hazardous areas or situations. First referenced in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. "Operation: Get Behind the Darkies"
"I'm going to hide out here until my Darkie takes out some of them."
by Bill & Bob February 4, 2009
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When we talk about former powerhouse, we have to mention Darkie.
by Ravenous June 13, 2004
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Means a very beautiful, attractive girl with a nice body with a dark brown/ mid brown colour.
Temz looked over at Nizel that just entered the room, he turned to Miles and said "Fam nizel is one fine Darkie the rest of these girls are dry"
by LivingToDie June 4, 2015
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Someone who is tan (darker skin) and extremely good looking.
look at that darkie frolfing ;)
by LIVYLOO February 27, 2009
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white people can't call black people darky, but black people can call white people whitey.

talk about fucking equality
black guy- hey whitey!
White guy- hey darky!
black guy- Im taking you to court mother fucker
by Raptor_Man September 5, 2006
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"I'll take the darkie on the left."
-a friend of mine, amongst many others, during a game of Rival Schools
by Dave January 15, 2004
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