A person who acts cool at one point and turns the next day someone who you think will never rip you off then days to years later you find out he did rip you off the person you think you can count on and they ditch you

copy and paste

Dude why is he so custy because his dad hates him.
by A another custy person November 10, 2010
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mittens of jambase
Look at that 16 year old kid, his names mittens, i bet you hes buying a dose for 20 bux. Dude defines custie.
by I'm super heady yo December 10, 2010
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(In the terms of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate) A custom combo that is extremely cool looking, flashy, and unique. They are generally not true (as Cogger has pulled them off) but nonetheless are still very impressive. The term "custy" was originally derived from the "Underdogs" Super Smash Bros. channel, from the video titled "TOP 10 CUSTY COMBOS", appearing within the first 39 seconds, spoken by Jackson "Cogger" Cogger.
*HopCat hits a custy combo*
Jackson: "Ooo that was custy!"
by melascula simp November 1, 2022
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a word that shows how ugly or dirty a certain person (usually women) is
"That's a custy bitch, right there"
by Kayluhb February 2, 2007
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aw nigga da shyt u be doin be sum cust ass shytt
by dymepiece August 23, 2005
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a kid that tries to use the fact that he is addicted to cigarettes to the point where he can act like a complete dickhead and everythings cool when he blames it on his severe addictiona

this child of the cust will also morph into a ferret if u smoke him up so be carefuln

you must always be careful around these creatures because of the fact that they will try to mix bbl gum and shwagass dirt to "improve the head and body high combo because of the indica"th

if u ever come across one of these ferret like hybrid humans you will most likely be able to catch its very common mating call where he goes into what many would refer to as a k-hole(no meow-mix in his system) u will know he is trying to mate when he goes into this daze where he IMAGINES he is holding hundreds of glowsticks while he hand dances by himselfo

may also claim sumthing is heady whether it be slave glass or even himself you must not beleive thisn

if this creature consumes more than 2 beers it will act the fool and throw up right where you told it not to.y
you that custy fuck just smashed another beerpong ball
by maddison whitegator February 8, 2010
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