A crackhead is when somebody is so dumb their head is snaped to bits it has another meaning but it sucks
by Fe4rless2.0 November 4, 2020
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1.Person who does excessive amounts of crack cocaine.
2.Person who acts as though they do excessive amounts of crack cocaine.This meaning is typically misconstrued with slightly quirkier than normal teenage girls.
Emily why the fuck did eat that silica gel packet!! You're such a crackhead!!!
by Timothy Chalamet June 3, 2020
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Someone who is good at everything they do, seemingly without even trying
"Dude, did you hear about how Dan clutched Calus?"
"Yea I did, he's such a crackhead"
by Jué March 24, 2022
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The definition of Ag*ta bAAAAAArwicka. She is known for her quirky antics, such as vaping (which is extremely underground and no one in central london does), and not being a basic bitch (even though she lives in Hyde Park). She is often heard saying 'hiiiiiiiiiii' since her mental capacity is not big enough to process larger words (Queensgate girls smh). A crackhead likes vodka but can't handle the taste and needs a chaser.
by Evanisafatassbitch June 21, 2021
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A person who does rocks or blows and can be found around liquor stores and currency exchanges asking for change and buying cigarettes and cheap beer. Also known as a hype, basehead, clucker, fiend
Don't fuck dat crackhead! She probly got aids.
Naw I ain't givin' you no money!
Everybody got a crackhead somewhere in their family.
by dimegurl diana July 11, 2006
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Seeing someone as a crackhead depends on your background and perspective. Some people see people that drink caffeine, smoke cigarettes or buy scratch tickets as crackheads. Other people only see people that actually use crack as crackheads. People do not intentionally become crackheads. They are tricked into it. Please understand this. Nobody goes around asking to start being a crackhead. It is started for them and then continues by the crackhead maker, the crackhead’s lack of access to resources, etc.
She smoked left over butts because she was broke and then got called a crackhead.

She cherry picked cuz she was super thrifty and oops some butts were dipped. Crackhead.

She walked five miles a day for a week, drank too much coffee, ate really really well, and had so much energy people said- whoa. Crackhead energy.

She was a fast talking East Coaster who had recently moved to a chill island and when she opened her mouth people said- crackhead.

Her boyfriend had plans to pimp her out so made her a crackhead.
by BeStill December 1, 2019
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A person that sits around parks and highstreets drinking cheap/strong beer and goin down the ally for a cheeky joint or a hit of herion and/or crack. They are also poor and like to steal.
Crackhead: "Oit mate you got the time?"

Tom: "Na mate sorry"

Crackhead: "Can i have a beer?"

(Crackhead goes on to steal Tom's Beer)
by youallrighttheremate June 3, 2010
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