(noun) 1. a man, or sometimes a boy, who tends or herds beef cattle or works on a beef ranch; COWMAN; COWHAND 2. Americanism, Colloquial any man or boy who wears the typical garb like that of a cowboy Sense 1 as in play or fashion 3. American slang a male person regarded as simple, rustic, idealistic, uneducated, crude, unsophisticated, wild, and/or reckless, also, a man who is a reckless car or truck driver 4. Americanism any male character in western pictures or novels who acts or dresses like a cowboys as a gunslinger, sheriff, train robbers, etc. in the old American west 5. American slang something regarded as western in culture as a book or film as “I have fifteen war films and fifty cowboys in my video collection.”
(adj) 1. like, of, or pertaining to cowboys and/or American western culture as a cowboy hat, a cowboy gun, or a cowboy movie 2. American slang shoddy, ad hoc or inferior in workmanship or quality as cowboy coffee or cowboy wiring
(vi) to do the work of cowboys; tend or herd beef cattle
-cowboy up American slang be a man; act as a genuine male; face a difficult challenge or task at hand
The cowboys rode sunup until sundown with grit teeth!!
by Jon64Bailey January 13, 2009
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first of all to clear things up, cowboys aren't gay. brokeback mountain was a movie about sheep herders, not cowboys. if anything most cowboys are gay bashers...and most of them are sheep herder bashers to
urban person: hey look at that broke back cowboy
cowboy: uneducated sombitch!!
by mccay March 23, 2006
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When your having sex from the rear position with your girlfrind, say her sisters name just before you finish. Then see how long you can hang on.
"I rode hannah out for 7 seconds last night playing the cowboy!"
by Moherator March 27, 2008
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Someone who is overstepping their boundaries or taking things too far. A synonym or tiger.
"...so there we were with a couple of Canadian lumberjacks and a one-eyed, one-armed Norwegian quadriplegic. So I turned to Umberto and Crazy Pete and said, ´How'd we end up in this Turkish prison anyway. WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?´ And then, out of nowhere, this guy with a nightstick..."
"Whoa, whoa, settle down. Easy, cowboy."
by Nick D December 19, 2003
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A descriptive word of Texan origin which can be used interchangably as a noun, a verb, an imperative, or an adjective.
Noun: "Are you a real cowboy?" (self explanatory)

Verb: "Ol' Jimmy ain't much to look at, but he sure can cowboy!" (i.e., possesses the skills necessary to do the work of a cowboy)

Imperative: "Cowboy up!" (i.e., quit whining & get tough)

Adjective: "That's real cowboy of you!" (i.e., decent or nice. Sometimes used sarcastically to someone who let you down)
by Texan September 2, 2004
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verb. To kill a person with an excessive amount of bullets, this is usually done by associates of a crime syndicate who wish to send a message to those who would cross them. The action itself is done by pointing a gun (preferrably automatic) at the victim, and squeezing the the trigger while moving ones hand up and down, left and right, spraying bullets into the victim like it's 1929.
Did you hear what happened to Dutch Schultz when he angered Banana-Nose Maldonado? Maldonado had the Teacher and some of his boys cowboy him.
by Eiliries September 3, 2005
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This is when a guy sits on top of a keg with the tap in between his legs and rocks back and forth with the nozzle in his mouth chugging. with his free hand twirling around above his head as if he has a lasso
Dude keg stands and gargoyles are good but I'm doin a cowboy
by mike o. June 22, 2009
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