A deep-psychological thought that one thinks about when they win without any effort or in a different situation that is awkward. This also can cause some emotional feelings.
Guy 1: *kills my teammates on accident and I win...*
Guy 1: I won...... But at what cost?
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The cost of choosing one course of action over another. Letting your second best option pass.
Economists tend to measure opportunity cost in terms of money for simplicity's sake. However value isn't always monetary.
At the restaurant, you are presented with a desert menu. Assuming that you only eat one desert, you have the choice between chocolate mouse, ice cream and honey crepes. Let's say you prefer ice cream to chocolate mouse, but honey crepes are your favorite. If you eat a honey crepe, ice cream (which would have chosen had you not had crepes) is your opportunity cost.

Another example would be if two women that you fancied, Sarah and Alice, asked you out and you said yes to Sarah (assuming monogamy), going out with Alice is your opportunity cost.
by anthonylebrun September 22, 2008
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Something Verizon wireless likes to do to customers.
I bought this cell phone thinking that it was going to be good.. it works but they charge me a bunch of hidden costs that i was unaware about and now they wont do anything about. I should switch to T-Mobile
by dalejr237 June 12, 2005
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The opposite of friends with benefits, friends with costs incur a negative benefit (a cost) on whoever they are friends with. This could include bothering you from time to time for favours or money.
Suman: Cynthia, can you please pick up a bottle of vodka for me and bring it to my house? I promise I will pay you back some day.

Cynthia (aside): I wasn't even headed to Suman's house... Now that's what I call being friends with costs...
by Joshsa January 28, 2010
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Some stupid anti-smoking company that releases ridiculous ads on smoking/vaping using cgi transformers/dinobots, skin falling off, wooden teeth.

Basically it’s bullshit
Karen: What are you doing smoking in my neighborhood, go look at The Real Cost and educate yourself!

Jake: Ma’am this is an inhaler
by White Boy Smokes Weed February 9, 2021
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When you go all out to impress a girl/boy and do whatever it takes to get her/his attention, even if it means sacrificing your time, energy, and money. But in the end, it often leaves you feeling emotionally drained and broke financially
John keeps going out with a girl to win her over but Sarah is never interested. This leaves John broke and broken-hearted each time. The simping cost was high, wasting his money and happiness on someone who didn't appreciate it.
by kenial2023 June 15, 2023
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It means that you are causing a problem or you are a problem in a particular situation
“You costing us with this lift
by So what now October 13, 2018
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