kim jung ill is communist, he practices communism

kim jung il is pure fucking evil.
by karatabeatch March 9, 2010
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"Mordern communism" can be said to be defined by Stalinist Russia, being a despotic state led by a firm, metal grip similar to that of Tsarism. This variation is widely accepted by the western leaders, such as Harry Truman, who viewed communism exactly as such an "evil" ideology.
Down with communism!
by Andrea April 17, 2005
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am complete load of hippie bullcrap just like nazism/fascism and all other forms of socialism
communism is from hell
by the world blows September 13, 2006
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A very stupid system that is impossible with or without humains beause someone has to force "equality" so there for that person is not an equal he is btr.
There has never been communism and there nvr wil be because noone will work for the smae amount is a paperboy

O ya dumbasses China is so uncommunist u can own factories there
by Rob Chaboyer June 10, 2005
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The way modern Democrats think the United States should be ran.
Democrats want to take all your money and give you what they think you need.
by common sense September 30, 2003
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