1. A breed of dog known for its herding ability
2. A huge bitch who draws strange crap when she isn't hugging puppies
1. Lassie was a collie
2. I wish Collie would shut the hell up
by zombieface March 7, 2005
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a coal mining town in the south-west of WA, Australia
Full of inbreds and Pot Addicts
Often Refered to as - "the hole"
Avoid going here at all costs
No wonder that chick got murdered by her best friends, its collie we're talking about.
by T3H J4S0M35T3R November 5, 2006
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Used to explain when someone commits a foul when playing pool by potting the black ball and the cue ball together, thereby losing the game.
"Gary was on course to 5-ball Jimmy Boy but he did a Collis and threw it all away"
by BoucherBoy February 6, 2010
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A bitch ass dumbass retarted that talks about non interesting topics like her fucking son
Fuck ms.collis this is Ashraf btw
by Ashraf April 5, 2019
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Ryan threw a colly.
by Dan August 29, 2003
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A rather abrasive young women with the smartest sense of humor. She loves puppies and occasionally draws strange things and puts them on the internet.
That Collie kid is somethin' else.
by omgkitties March 3, 2005
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a cute girl usually with very long hair and big soft eyes that are really dirty girls on the inside, but you can't tell from the outside.
"i love going to college night at the clubs, alot of collies leave their men at home for some real fun!"
by cyaniro April 13, 2010
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