Cold means to be more than cute and more that sexy its kind of like calling someone a dime..
Fred did you see that girl that just walked passed? she was COLD....
by Rakeem June 9, 2005
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The lady next door was rather cold,so we all avoided her.
by SomeoneNew June 1, 2011
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The ice melts, too much heat?; or missing cold?
by Proveedor de Tamagotxis March 22, 2010
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If ur in a relationship with someone that doesn't want to do things
Boy: Do you wanna cuddle
Girl: NO.
Boy: your so cold sometimes
by xXrandomXx2 March 25, 2017
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One kick ass but unrecognized rock band. Very meaningful and original music.
by Cold Army April 5, 2005
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The absence of heat.
The physics lab experiemented with the concept of cold.
by Ron_Thornbrash May 19, 2005
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see tight, fresh, aweX0m3c0rE
That new hoodie is cold, man!
by skrudge January 12, 2008
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