Someone that enjoys goth interests or has a "goth" personality but does not dress and/or act in a way that would clearly put their gothness on display.
She's got a dark side and hangs out with goths and she dressed like a regular kid. She must be a closet-goth.
by +Saint+ July 15, 2006
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An individual who secretly has interest in the Gothic genre.
Bob wears an ankh, he may be a closet-goth.
by Allora December 2, 2003
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1.)A rejected kid who realizes goths are queers, and wisely opts not to dress up like the guy from the Cure. He instead sits in his closet, plotting his revenge.
2.)A goth who chooses to worship the dark lord in his closet.
1.)That kid is closet goth. He don't externalize his rage/pain by dressing up like a fag. Don't fuck with him yo he is a damn ticking time bomb.
2.)Q.Why don't you come to our goth party? A.I only worship satan in my closet.
by Meth December 11, 2003
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