An abbreviation for choreography, commonly used by dancers.
We learned lots of new chorey today in rehearsal.
by papercrane13 May 23, 2015
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wannabe chav slang. generally used by tenagers in edinburgh who have to put on scottish accents to look "cool". a word they invented to add to this alter ego is chorey, meaning to "steal". many arguments have sprouted since the formation of this word, as many non-ned-wannabe's still believe that the word chorey along with banter and wido should be banned from being spoken.
chav wannabe: ay I hink u pure choreed ma pure banterful fag ya wido
non chav wannabe: get a life and a vocabulary you sad-ass
by snob impersonator January 4, 2005
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Adjective; used when a something is boring or tedious

This movie is the worst, it's so Chorey
by Niamh_tae November 12, 2017
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I’m off out on the chorey.
Me and the gs are off out choring
by G den d January 20, 2023
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