In ecuador is a place where men go to fuck bitches....only for 6 dollars or less!
(Ecuadorian): Lets go to the chongo...
(Gringo): But i only have 3 dollars...
by Zonik February 18, 2009
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Chongo is a latino slang word for whorehouse.
Mauricio: Yo tengos NADA con los mujeres....

Pablo: Hermano.

Tu necesitos un viaje por a la chongo.
by McLane - Loja, Ecuador November 7, 2018
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the liquid that comes out of someones arse just before the solid shit comes out of the anus. Basically a liquefied shit
oi mate giz a drink of ur warm chongo juice
that guy has just let out so much chongo juice i might go for a chongo lad
by scrotum mcscot scrote July 3, 2012
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An alcoholic beverage mentioned in the popular 1992 song “Back to the Hotel” by N2Deep. Consists of ice, gin, cran-grape juice and a splash of orange juice.
by bobbyDIG8L May 1, 2021
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Bog Chongos is a variation of Big Chungus. However, Bog Chongos is bigger and size and is also guaranteed to make you stay hydrated in it's presence. The plural term for Bog Chongos is Bog Chongi and Bog Chongi can come in many different shapes, sizes and genders.
That Bog Chongos there makes me want to hydrate
by krispturtle May 1, 2020
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