It can also be used in the context of "chachbag". A chachbag is someone who is convinced of being cool when in all actuality is the polar opposite. They tend to piss off and anger all those around them, making living with a chachbag one of the most difficult tasks in the world. Furthermore, a chachbag usually cannot make friends of his own age therefore causing him to look to younger adolescents for friendship (because they don't know any better). A chachbag is the single handed worst word you can use to describe a male human being. It also has references to strong tendencies of homosexuality and masterbation. A chachbag can be indentified when all his friends begin to hate him for his annoyance and homosexual behavior.
Wow, Jake is totally a chachbag.
by Military Proverb November 29, 2005
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COCAINE.. White powder that goes in your nose and fucks you up

Man last night was fucked, we were so CHACHED up!
by kamikazehh August 28, 2006
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"you smell like chach"
"Maz's chach is very popular"
"Spencer will fuck anything with a chach"
by uzma March 21, 2004
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Deriving from the word muchacho, the word chach is an endearing term used to show affection towards someone you love.
by danigirl815 November 27, 2010
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Guys, and girls, that are extremely trendy, obnoxious, wear overpriced mall clothing and smell like shit. They are usually found in trendy little bars and clubs dancing like a bunch of yuppies on coke. They try to find other chach's to have unprotected sex with and spread more diseases.
Also pronounced as "chachy" as "chaches".
"Check out that chach over there, i can smell his Skin Bracer from a mile away."

"Those chaches are trying to dance with those drunk fatties, lets throw eggs at them and laugh."
by DIE YUPPIE SCUM! June 25, 2005
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Chach is either a person from the north or wishes he was that wears designer clothing, leaves their shirt unbuttoned, gels their hair, think shopping is cool,likes going to dance clubs. A typical Chach spends 30 mintues in the shower and bathroom, tweezing and shaving their body, and then takes another 45 minutes to get ready, matching their clothes with their shoes. Chach is a guy who is so close to being a fag, it's hard to tell the difference.
wow that unbottoned shirt, with those matching italian shoes and spiked hair is really fucking chochy.

You are a stupid chach

those designer girls sunglasses are very chach
by Tubbz August 19, 2004
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a slick way of referring to a female's vag.
Girl: ..what?
Guy1: Oh, nothing! :'D
Girl: Kay! :D
by squirrelaidsftw April 5, 2010
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