a joint packed with just enough marijuana to get one "buzzed" or between the state of being sober and high.
having multiple buzzers may get one high. these are smoked more commonly with people who are conservative about their marijuana or like to feel lifted on a more consistent basis.
im on my 7th buzzer all day and im feelin' gooooooood
by Sodacan888 July 22, 2009
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someone who likes to get fucked up and have a laugh. Usually makes a bloody show of him/herself!

A buzzer can also be a pill that makes you dance.

or alternativley and quite bizarly a buzzer can be an object or living thing that looks as if its having a good time (this is only used when extreme amounts of buzz have been consumed)
"Yuup buzzer mi lad" Is what you might say to a fellow buzzer.
"Gizza buzzer r kid!"
by Georgy lad May 4, 2006
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*sigh* It's just me and my buzzer tonight!
by Jeanne August 26, 2004
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A guy with very short hair (intentionally short, not due to baldness).
Damn I can't believe that rocker guy is a buzzer now!
by NoBuzzers March 2, 2007
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when something or someone ruins an activity, etc.
a cross between buzz kill and bummer
me: i was going to go to the beach today, but now its raining.

you: aww man, thats a buzzer!

me: we were having a great time shopping but then becky showed up.

you: wow, that sucks, she's such a buzzer!
by lisabisa April 15, 2011
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To create a buzz or hype about something.
The marketing department used a viral video to buzzerize the company's new website as part of an important product launch.
by Manfred Ekblad December 12, 2008
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