Burpies are an excellent form of cardiovascular endurance training. Burpies are a series of exercises that are performed in a continuous fashion - one after another - for 30 to 60 minutes. There are endless variations of burpies. The most basic form goes like this: start with 50 jumping jacks to get the blood flowing, and then while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, you bend your legs out behind you. You will (hopefully) land in the push-up position on the floor. If you don't land in the push-up position, you have done a face plant into the concrete. If so, this is not the correct form. From the push-up position do five push-ups and then in one swift motion you draw both legs forward, planting your feet in the original shoulder-width position, and stand up. You have just done one burpie. The entire process should be one smooth motion from start to finish. Burpies can be done alone, with a partner or with a large group of people like you've seen on the prison documentaries. If you are doing them by yourself, run in place for three seconds between repetitions. They are usually done with a partner, then while you are doing a burpie, your partner runs in place, and vice versa.
"Did you work out today, dawg?"
"Yeah, I did thirty minutes of burpies and an hour of pull-ups."
by Shaun Attwood January 23, 2008
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To experience a burpie,start off in a wide bent over hands on the ground position, kick your legs back, being them back forward to your starting position, then stand up, jump and reach for the sky. Repeat
by Kidagakash July 25, 2006
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A car that Mako from farty Motor Company made to bypass the "no farty" rule in the Official Automation Discord. It looks identical to the farty, except it is considerably smaller.
cringe Automation mod: "stop talking about farty"
Mako: "burpy"
by UndeadHamasaki September 12, 2022
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the feeling of full after eating a large meal, followed by the sounds of burping
ma, i am burpy.
by grazy girl December 29, 2010
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To experience a burpie,start off with feet together in a wide bent over hands on the ground position, kick your legs back behind you,(so it looks like you are going to do a push up), being them back forward to your starting position, then stand up, jump and reach for the sky. Repeat
by Kidagakash August 13, 2006
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To act silly or without logic
Those kids are being burpy.
by Peppermint 2012 November 14, 2020
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it is what you say afta u burp instead ov excuse me
*burp* my bad, burpies
by dymundz August 29, 2006
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