buffled (pronounce baa-fl-d ) means confused, lost, dunno what to do, not clear what to do,
1. where are we meant to go?
oh i dont know im buffled
by babecuddlez May 19, 2007
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buffled means confused, lost etc.
u can say it if for example u dont know what to do, what to say, basically you are confused
person 1. what classroom do we have english in today?
person 2. i dont know, im buffled
by cuddlez May 25, 2007
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Some thing or situation that sucks ass. Derives from Buffalo which is known for being an undesirable place to live or visit
Dude that bar was so buffle. Way too many dudes and the beers were like 8 bucks.

That kid is fuckin buffle. He never has any money and always steals other people's beers.

You can't come out tonight because you have court early tomorrow morning? What kind of buffle bullshit is that? Just show up there shitfaced and tell the judge to go fuck himself.
by Olof Carmody January 21, 2008
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1.When an animal with fur butts its head against another animal or human as a gesture of affection. Always accompanied by sharp exhalations of breath through the nose (snuffles)
2. To nudge in order solicit caresses.
As I lay reading on the chaise longue, the Irish setter gently buffled my bare feet.
by Kaye King December 30, 2004
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The act of watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer whilst having some snuggles.
Girl "What do you want to do tonight?"

Guy "I don't know... Watch some tv?"

Girl "Ok, we can have some Buffles."
by asstastic November 1, 2011
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the word form of BFFL or BFF
by mhm8 April 14, 2008
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