When you are accused of something that you've done wrong and want to deny the accusation that is obviously true. Like when Senator Rod Blagojevich was accused of attempting to sell the Senate seat after Barack Obama became president. If you were framed for something that you obviously did.
Man, in that last meeting, I was totally blagojeviched by Jim. I don't know why he was blaming me for the lose of inventory.
by JarredD January 30, 2009
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Selling something that's not rightfully yours to sell.
jesse jackson jr-Can i buy that US senate seat?
obama-come on wouldn't that be pulling a blagojevich?
by cahara December 28, 2009
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A Democrat from the corrupt political machine in Illinois.
Obama is a SOB (Son of a Blagojevich).
by JR Ewing0007 February 2, 2009
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