A jackass that drives through residential areas at three in the morning with the subwoofers on his car stereo at maximum volume.

See also inbreeding.
I was enjoying a restful slumber, when this basshole came driving by, causing everything in my apartment to rattle, almost as if hit by some localized earthquake phenomenon.
by Lunarsight August 14, 2004
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Bass fishermen who have no respect for other peoples property and carelessly bounce their lead sinkers off of other peoples boats and/or speed through "no wake" zones.
Some basshole broke my port side window yesterday, fucker got away.
by Machu Pichu October 4, 2006
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A word used in anger by a 4 year old who is dumber than a box of rocks and has a speech impediment meaning to be an insult against an authority figure.
Give me that toy now you stupid basshole! I hate you. You're a basshole!
by stupidbasshole July 25, 2020
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1 N. A combination of the words bastard and asshole. A bastardly asshole.

2 N. A fish butt, usually noteworthy.
1. You are such a basshole!!

2. Sweet jesus bill, would you look at the basshole on that one.
by BarryWhite May 10, 2003
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