To be in, or arrive at, a most delectable situation. Also used as an exclamation in the event of a pleasing outcome.

The phrase seems to originate from the Midlands, although it is unknown whether the analogy is to cooking meatballs, or basting one's nether-regions in anticipation of a sexual act.
"Darwin's really got his balls in the butter, he's got himself invited to a threesome."
by darwinator January 25, 2010
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that gooey residue that stays on your nuts after sweating all day.
Dude this is rancid ball butter!
by Mama Jax November 2, 2006
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When male white collar professionals excessively stroke each other's egos.
Dave gets so much ball buttering at work that it's difficult for him to realize he's just a normal guy at home.
by Ebeau August 20, 2017
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The cheese that develops on the tea bags on a hot day, while playing sports, or while having sexual intercourse.
I tea-bagged timmy the other day while he was passed out drunk & left a moist sheet of ball butter on his forehead.
by SUX2BU October 16, 2003
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After shaving the scrotum. To apply moisturizer - Ball Buttering
Steve has a Ball Buttering each morning ensuring a smooth and supple scrotum.
by SteBathboy December 9, 2019
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