Bolu is a cool and friendly person. They are very likely to smile under any situation. They are also very generous and good looking.
I like Bolu
by Lord Pablo November 5, 2016
A Yoruba demon in blood... He like women just the way he like reproduction in biology... Total Mumu.... Women should run away from this creature... He is normally hairy around the penis and chest... And has a bazooka for a dick... He cannot miss goal his sperm is like messi
by therealsonofman January 15, 2018
by J O'Neill January 28, 2008
When events conspire against you, and your only strategy is to survive and make arrangements for the forthcoming painful proceedings to be as seamless as possible.
BOLU --> Bend Over, Lube Up.
BOLU --> Bend Over, Lube Up.
The client has come forward with last minute requirements... its a total BOLU.
How is your day?; A total BOLU.
What's the situation?; BOLU
How is your day?; A total BOLU.
What's the situation?; BOLU
by BigWill88 December 11, 2018
a chewed piece of food, not slang on its own but see it combined with masticate to devastating effect: the bane of biology teachers everywhere.
by nige April 19, 2004
The act of taking an aggressive correction dose of insulin after experiencing prolonged and frustrating high blood sugar. Often results in a hypoglycemic event.
"I was high for hours and the reasonable corerections weren't working so I just went all ARGHHHH and tapped in a big ol' rage bolus.
by Zentaria December 23, 2018
relating to oral sex; the act of oral sex in place of intercourse when there is little or no time for the real deal.
Melissa often felt there was not enough time in her busy schedule for sex, but she always had time for a good meat bolus.
by Mr. Pickles33 April 3, 2010