Pig latin for "scram," which means "leave."
(Mom and Dad are having sex when Little Johnny walks in)

Johnny: Hi Mom! Hi Dad!
by Tricia June 2, 2005
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Damn, the cops are comin...let's grab the stash and amscray, Jeff!
by Eric v.2.0 July 19, 2003
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to leave immediately (from pig latin for scram)
Here they come, grab your suitcase and amscray.
by Light Joker October 4, 2005
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To escape from a certain place as quickly as one's legs can carry them.

A pun on Pig Latin, since Amscray is the Pig Latin version of Scram.
"Zoinks!" yelled Shaggy, "This place is haunted! Let's make like Pig Latin and Amscray!"
by GallopingSausage November 15, 2018
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