While in bed, you fart then pull the covers over the head of whomever is in bed with you. You hold the covers over his or her head until the stink leaves.
Last night in bed, my boyfried pulled a dutch oven on me.
by Jenn Jo November 14, 2006
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A large, lidded cast-iron pot with a fold-away, bail handle. Originally, the dutch oven was used as just that, a bread oven. In the days when most families lacked modern stoves, and depended on the fire-place hearth for their cooking, a dutch oven could be filled with bread dough, lidded and buried in hot embers in order to bake the bread. Nowdays, the dutch oven is usually placed atop the stove to cook beans and stews, though sometimes it is still used in a conventional oven to cook bread loaves and baked beans. In rare instances, a cast-iron dutch oven can double as a deep-fryer.

In some areas, the dutch oven is referred to as a "dutchie." This is claimed by the surviving members of Musical Youth as the "dutchie" in the lyric: "pass the dutchie from the left-hand side." from their one hit song. It is of course now believed that the word in the song was changed from "cutchie," a Jamaican slang term for a kind of marijuana.
I cooked a dutch oven full of lentil soup, a pot of saffron rice and even baked a loaf of crispy bread. I am a good cook, no?
by Alan June 5, 2004
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A Dutch oven is where you let of a gastly fart under the bed covers and trap it while your girlfriend is out of the room; when she gets back in bed, you force her innocent face under the sheets to see if the odour makes her vomit.
"Pete, last night i Dutch ovened my girlfriend! I wish it had made her vomit though..."
by RyDav March 8, 2009
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When one partner farts while maneuvering the sheets in such a position such that the other is trapped under the sheets and must smell the rankness of the fart. Named after the dutch door, which could operate with the bottom half closed and the top open.
I had a beast breathin out of my ass so I gave the bitch a "dutch oven"
by MixMaster Frucus April 15, 2003
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When two people are laying in a bed under the covers, one person passes gas and puts the covers over the other person head and doesn't let them out until the gases are no longer existent.
Farting under the blanket and putting someone under the covers to smell it. This is a dutch oven, also it keeps you warm.
by aaaaaahyiggie May 24, 2009
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The act of farting in a silent manner in a moving vehicle, then pressing the window lock and letting the passengers enjoy the pugnant stench of the McDonald's you ate the day before in Westland Mall.
bro, last night me and Anay went on a date and i did the nastiest dutch oven while she was on the phone with her mom.
by Jim Johnson III August 29, 2006
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The act of farting many times under the covers then making your partner stick his or her head under the blanket.
"After me and ann fucked last night i gave her a brutual dutch oven"
by Astabler February 19, 2008
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