Paid "charity" street worker (read: student) who has been trained to believe that they are carrying out a worthy task, improving peoples' lives by conning Joe Public out of their money for this week's Good Cause. Usually an agency worker where the agency takes a hefty cut of the hourly rate that the charity in question has paid for, whilst at the same time increasing profits by selling on details of those foolish enough to actually stop and sign up to said Good Cause.
If you really want to support a charity, do it through their website, not a chugger.
by Bob April 4, 2005
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Composite of 'chrity' and 'mugger'. These people will stop you in the street and talk to you as if they are your oldest and best friend. All of which is a false cover for their real intention. Working on commission, they need people to donate to the charities which they 'represent' and to do this they will guilt trip you into handing over all your details.
One effective way of giving to the charity, yet not being conned into surrendering your card details and other sensitive information is to request the address and contact details of the charities head office and offer to make a direct payment. This will annoy the chugger as it cuts them out of the equation but you will have the upper hand. Otherwise try to think of a quirky reply to their begging for which they will have no answer or look straight through them.
Chugger: Do you like children?

Me: Yes, but I couldn't eat a whole one.

Chugger: (silence and look of shock)
by Jim Birtwisle January 17, 2008
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Charity Mugger. One of those people who stands in the street with a big brightly-coloured bib and quite possibly a clipboard soliticing donations to the Feline Liberation Army or some other worthy cause.
Bloody hell, I had to pretend to be on my mobile phone for about ten minutes walking down the High Street to avoid all the chuggers!
by Ian Chode April 3, 2003
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Jeff: How's Justin?
Lukas: I don't talk to him. He's a chugger.
by amanwhodoesn'tknowanymore September 26, 2015
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a "charity mugger" ie the guy's who stand on grafton street in Dublin and try to stop you to sign you up for direct debit payments to various charities. They can be really aggressive and really self-righteous especially if you won't stop for them.
Chugger guys standing on the street with clipboards trying to get you to stop and sign up to Oxfam etc.
by CactusFan April 26, 2006
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A wanker (literally). One who masturbates. Derived from the noun chug (an act of masturation) and the verb chug ( to masturbate ).
I am a chugger. I chug every day. I have been a chugger since puberty. I first had a chug aged 12.
by Gwank July 10, 2004
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