an adjective that can be used to describe something that is good in a particular way. Can be used to describe edgy, dank, or exquisite memes. Yeety can also be used to describe other things that are "lit."
Damn dude, did you see that new meme that just dropped? It was pretty yeety!
by EdgeMaster90001xXxMemes December 23, 2016
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“How are your feeling?” “I’m feeling Yeety”
by Mrs Oof February 22, 2018
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To Yeetis my feetis onto the streetis, while committing self-deletis with diabetis
by D1ZZ1 December 12, 2019
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adjective; what you are when you yeet too hard or too much and it can even make you slightly repulsive.
He was yeety so my friend and I are no longer friends with him.
by Yung Freeze December 23, 2016
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So, if something is like a yeet... It's yeety
Oi Simon, you see that guy whos constantly shouting "yeet" while dabbing?

Simon: Yeah...

Me: he is very yeety
by lil dick girl666 September 5, 2018
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when something is both ‘lit’ but it also makes you sayyeet
Guy 1: we’re going We need seven cans of spray paint
Gut 2: yeety
by thatwinchester November 8, 2017
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