Verb; See Charlie Sheen. To act as Charlie does. To snort cocaine, to be Charlie Sheen. To have fun. To be successful
Charlie Sheen: "I'm not Bi-Polar...I'm Bi-Winning."

Scoreboard don’t lie, folks. I’ll be over here winning. Done. End of story.”

“Wow, WINNING! It’s all how you perceive it.”

“When I got ready, at a lightning pace – but, like surprise, that’s what winners do.”

“There’s my life. Deal with it. Oh wait, can’t process it. Losers! Winning. Bu-bye.”

“After I’ve won. Keep winning.”
by The Snides March 5, 2011
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I just snorted 3 lines of "winning" off a naked "winning."
by TheDoodler83 March 2, 2011
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A phrase started by the TV-show actor Charlie Sheen. This word can be used in describing anything that is great. "Not winning" is obviously used to describe something not as great.
Bob: I totally banged that hot chick, Ashley, last night.
Sam: Dude, that's winning.
John: Man, I can't believe Samantha dumped me...
Ryan: I know, bro. That's not winning.
by chikkachea March 11, 2011
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A word overused by charlie sheen to label everything he does
Come Wednesday they're gonna be naming it Charile Bros not Warner Bros . . . duh Winning!
by winninggoddess4CharlieSheen March 11, 2011
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Roughly synonymous with "getting your ass kicked". Winning! is often a result of pissing off everyone you know and getting canned. There is a fine line between Winning! and OD'ing! or Dying of some kind of VD! Side effects include being arrested and losing all respect.
Man 1: I just got fired for being an arrogant prick and abusing every substance known to man, such as alcohol, prescription pills, sex, and enough cocaine to keep Colombia's economy thriving. Not to mention the time I threatened to cut my wife's head of with a pen knife and mail it to her mom...
Man 2: Dude, your winning even more than charlie sheen.
by tigerblood15 March 13, 2011
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What Charlie Sheen is doing right now.
"Just winning, every day. Defeat not an option."

"Duh, winning! It’s, like, guys, IMDB right there, 62 movies and a ton of success. I mean, c’mon bro, I won best picture at 20. I wasn’t even trying. I wasn’t even warm.”

Charlie Sheen is not bi-polar, he is bi-winning.
by Dell_Tron March 3, 2011
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