When someone is going through a self-destructing, downward spiral leading to a certain epic failure they may refer to it as "Winning." See also "Bi-winning"
by krazzzz2000 March 3, 2011
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Charlie Sheen's word for general success in everything in life. Made popular in a Feb 2011 rant and subsequent interviews.
The only thing I'm addicted to now is winning, I had a disease and I cured it with my mind. Winning anyone?
by Shinra07 March 5, 2011
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What Charlie Sheen exemplifies.
I'm Not Bipolar, I'm Bi-winning!
Duh, winning.
by Mark Moyo March 5, 2011
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Charlie Sheen, the totally bitching rock star from Mars.
Charlie Sheen, the totally bitching rock star from Mars is winning!
by Explosianity March 9, 2011
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Getting ridiculously high on cocaine, getting Bree Olson to move into your house, demanding a huge pay increase, or some combination thereof. Also one must have been born with tiger blood and Adonis DNA in order to be 'Winning'.
They should name CBS to Charlie Sheen Broadcasting, no... uh, WINNING!!!
by jumpoutatree March 2, 2011
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Winning is what Darren Stoten is.
Whats darren doing?

by ninjaaaa-1337 May 29, 2011
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Charlie Sheen, uh Winning

(used at the end of a phrase to show supremacy for being awesome, sometime proceeded with an "uh" or "duh")
Making $1.78 million per episode of "Two and Half Men", uh winning
by insertfatjokehere March 9, 2011
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