The five main problems of the Windows OS combined it one giant acronym.

Virues, Infections, Spyware, Trojans, and Adware.
by Op2 August 3, 2005
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The best selling product that nobody ever wanted.
1:"Can I get my new PC without windows vista?"

by _K. April 10, 2008
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Clearly the best operating system that has ever been programmed up to date. I only wish we all could give more money, hugs, and kisses to all the wonderful people out there that have developed this majestic operating system. It is extremely easy to use, we have added more exciting features to improve your computer using experience and we know you will love it. Throw your MacBook in the dumpster, and get Windows Vista now.
Omg look at this beauty! THis must be a windows vista!

omg after looking at a windows vista I realized the meaning of life!
by BarryAllenTheFlash February 20, 2017
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This disc robbertion bus written bye Microsoft's speach recycling program, abby veil on Windows Vista full-stop delete that backspace backspace select all delete that exit speech recognition
Source: Rititititchie, New Britland
by Choo-Choo McGrew August 6, 2007
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Microsoft's newest Operating System, the successor to windows XP. Windows Vista takes all the worst features of Windows XP, and makes them worse, moves them around to new, hard to find locations, and adds a ton of new features. Some of these new features are:

*Explorer windows that regularly freeze up
*A proprietary web browser, Internet Explorer 7, that comes packaged with the system and cannot be uninstalled or deleted.
*400+ MB RAM usage right off the bat.
*Built-in DRM to restrict a users ability to do most anything.
*UAC (User Account Control), a wonderful feature that questions the intelligence of its users by asking if they're sure they want to do what they're trying to do, then double-checking that they didn't accidentally press "Yes" when they meant "No."
*Shadow-copy, and other similar hidden processes, that keep hidden backups of your data files to ensure that your privacy is always compromised.
*Little backwards-compatibility.
*New versions of old familiar tools that remove all those pesky progress displays and status indicators, so you have no idea whether the program is actually doing anything or not (because that's none of your business). For example, the new checkdisk and defrag.
*A complete new set of security holes for virusus, adware, trojans, etc to exploit.
*The new "aero" interface, which is incompatible with almost everything non-Microsoft.

Windows Vista is also known as Microsoft's latest attempt to create a product worse than windows ME.
Bob: "Fucking Windows Vista!"
Joe: "That's like the 10th time you've said that in the last hour!"
by Mister Squishy October 24, 2007
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A new version of Windows from Microsoft that looked good in development, and still looks good now. Unfortunately, that's the only improvement. The new Microsoft office that can come with some versions of Vista is terrible and difficult to use. It also oftentimes causes the computer to lag, a lot.

The last flaw I am going to point out (Although this is my majority-supported opinion) is that the security is so up tight that there is hardly anything you can run on Vista without the computer asking for permission to run it, even if it is something from Microsoft. If you want to ask me, stay with Windows XP.
Guy #1: I have good news and bad news.

Guy #2: What's the bad news?

Guy #1: I just got Windows Vista. It lags like crazy.

Guy #2: Sorry about that. So, what's the good news?

Guy #1: I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!

Guy #3: I didn't see THAT coming!
by Charles Chilly January 2, 2008
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The OS from hell that promises to make your life miserable and wish you can throw your previously fine computer out the window.
My computer is a f*@#$ mess since I changed to Windows Vista.
by Polito79 March 13, 2007
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