and he said to them thus...
"Damn im good" and they obeyed.
-void 1:07, book of genisis
by Drak'kan -high priest of Weil. February 27, 2004
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un-pwnz3st p3rs0n evar! comes up with the worst comebacks. and a DORK. but somewhat ok.
who's a very unpwnz1ng person?
weiling is.
by xander June 12, 2003
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Weird Asiatic term for someone who is a num nut.
U weiling u.
by noweat June 12, 2003
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upon this earth he created Eden, ultimate guardian of life and Halo, the keeper of the dead.
-void 1:06, book of genisis
by Drak'kan -high priest of Weil. February 27, 2004
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and thus weil took up some crap that was floating around and made it into some other crap.
-void 1:02, book of genisis
by Drak'kan -high priest of Weil. February 27, 2004
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