When you turn a screenshot of someone and turn it into a Weezer album cover.
Adam: *sends pic of him in a blue shirt*

“Hey look at my new shirt i bought.”

Adam’s boyfriend: *screenshots, weezers Adam, and sends picture back*

“Yo you just got weezered!”
by I'mWeirderThenYouThink June 7, 2021
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1. good band
2. kid with asthma
" I love to listen to weezer"
"Hey, get weezer's inhaler."
by whscubana November 26, 2003
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A band so awesome that they can sing about cheese and make it sound cool.
On the scale of awesomeness, Weezer is super great.
by dot August 14, 2003
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An awesome band that got accused of trying to be "emo", because the lead singer wears thick rimmed glasses and writes melody based rock with often sad, emotional lyrics. They're not emo, and people who accuse them of trying to be are lame.
Weezer will probably go down in history for its single, "Buddy Holly", and the very well-edited splice-work video that went along with it.
by Alex January 26, 2004
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The greatest rock band of the past 10 years. Period. They are basically defined by their anti-rockstar status. They are losers, and admit it in many of their songs. Their best release had to be the blue album which is followed chronologically by all their other releases (Pinkerton, Green and Maladriot).
Weezer is awesome, listen to any song they have ever written.
Check out:
Jamie (a song about their old lawyer)
The World Has Turned and Left Me Here (amazing harmonies)
Only in Dreams (kick ass bass line)
by anti-hero November 3, 2004
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Very good rock band. Lead singer/ lead guitarist- rivers cuomo, guitarist- brian bell, bassist (current)-scott shriner, and drummer- pat wilson
Recomended songs:

tired of sex
only in dreams
pink triangle
falling for u
across the see
say it aint so
el scorcho
by Bert November 4, 2003
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A band only virgins listen to- a representation of someone's virginity.
I still listen to weezer, sadly. but hopefully I won't after my night with Suzie tonight.
by AA1D3NN October 12, 2020
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