When someone pays as little money possible for an item, and expects the item to be of the highest quality.
George: I went to wal-mart yesterday and got an amazing deal on this, but the first time I used it the thing broke. Doctor?

Doctor: Ah yes, I have seen this before. You have a condition known as Wal-Mart Syndrome. The cure is simple, shop somewhere else.
by Mr. Ko-Ray May 13, 2011
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A condition developed after shopping at Wal-Mart. You start getting ridiculed by family, friends and even strangers for being one of those weird people who shop at Wal-Mart. It can also lead to bullying for school kids.
Billy must have Wal-Mart Syndrome. All the kids at school are making fun of him because I got his clothing from Wal-Mart.
by Azion March 31, 2015
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