A compound-acronym of the two closely related acronyms of WTF and FML. It means: What The Fuck My Life. WTFML can be applied to many unfavorable circumstances. Under normal circumstances, the WHAT THE FUCK portion comes first, followed closely by a heart-felt FUCK MY LIFE. When typed from a computer, it is an absolute NECESSITY that the caps lock be left on to convey the appropriate intensity.

WTFML is NOT to be mistaken for "When Twats Farm Major Lice". If you ever hear anyone use WTFML to describe an instance when twats farm major lice, the offending person should be subsequently mushroom tattooed.
Malika: So, they gave me a special shampoo and told me to scrub thoroughly for a week, ugh WTFML!
by JeffJonezZz August 5, 2009
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When your boss is known for being irrational and makes ridiculous demands of you. At first you're alarmed at the absurdity of the request, but then realize you're powerless to do anything but do what she says. All you can do is shake your head and think FML.
Helga just asked me to do what? WTFML...
by Helga's Beoch June 18, 2010
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